actually we need to reach there by 10am..but i reach there around 11am =.=''
cause jam + there got a small accident on the road..Guys, Sorry ar~
after finish discuss, we go to sunway have our breakfast or lunch..
well, ariff boss sit my car..and he open the music and we 2 enjoy the song..
reach sunway..thought wan go buy transformer ticket..but ariff boss said
the transformer movie 3 days also full..but i still dont wanna give up..
so i go to the cinema and check it out..when reach the cinema..OMG!!!
is damn damn damn Many peoples that i cant imagine..+.+
after go take a look edi..i PUAS HATI edi..^^
so i give up...^^
thn we go makan lor..finish makan
after makan we go popular 4 a while to get idea to make the menu..
selepas itu, kita pergi ke KL central~ to buy genting bus ticket..
triple s and jason go, me and ariff stay in car..xoong hua and sheleen stay in 1 car
and jeannie alone..pity her..=x
before jason and triple s come back, ariff said he wan go to buy smart tag~
after a few minutes, he came back ask said..'the polis said bla bla bla wad turn 1 round thn can
reach the main door of kl central'
thn i said ' okay lor' since jason they all not yet come back..we go pusing pusing tengok..
thn we pusing pusing pusing till time square sana =.=''
and all the way CANNOT U-TURN..WTH!!
so we need go to the erm..some way tht can u-turn or got any round
about a not..finally we found 1 round about..yea!!
after u-turn..suddenly rain so heavily..thn i slow down the speed..
thn sampai 1 traffic light..i go wrong way =.='' suppose to go straight but then i turn to right..
aih~~wad a sad case...
after that jason they all call me ask me where am i...but thn i told them that i also duno where i am =.=''
so i terpaksa call they all go back them self..thn me and ariff just look around the board..
and finally i found 1 road that i know..muahahahha
so, i fetch ariff go back and go to my dad factory take somethings...^^
not bad...half day trip in KL with ariff boss..^^
kinda fun..hoho~~
u half day =.=
ReplyDeletev whole day ah T.T