so i can sleep till 9am..^^
thn go for account class and math...
after math class we have 1 an a half hour me and ariff go locker 4 a while..
thn ariff use my phone to call boon..
and boon tell ariff that Don got accident at the fake penang bridge there..
so me and ariff quickly go and meet Don..
lucky...orang tak ada apa-apa..only car kemek abit..
around 2.30pm need attend english class..
till 4.30pm..thn need go change to chef jacket for commis..
finish commis around 9.30pm..cause the class start at 6pm...=.=''
after commis go orientation night see see..
suddenly wei kein pull me to the dance floor =.=''
thn i pull sheleen along ^^ (sabo) kekekeke~
firstly i feel very *shy* and sheleen the only 1 wear chef jacket..=.=''
imagine..wearing chef jacket and freaking COOL and SPECIAL okay?!
thn slowly and sheleen get high..thn i dont care wad i'm wearing..
just dance~!!
and the sound system is DAMN SYOK wei..the BASS~!!OMG! i love it!!
the dj play 'Krazy,right round and I KNOW YOU WANT ME'..all also nice song..
so we just dance dance dance~~
when the end of the party..the dj wan us to sing a last song..
that is 'Heal The World' by Michael Jackson..
Love this song..
and we form a circle..and holding hand together sing this song..
so nice wei..cause i know how to sing ^^
proud of it..xD
after the party...thn i help to pick up rubbish..
thn me,Ariff,Don,Joshua and Michelle go for dinner at MCD..actually consider breakfast =.=''
dont care food can liao..
thn we chat chat chat till 1.30am+
time to go home~
Don fetch Joshua and michelle..and i fetch Ariff..
reach home around 2am..bath..>>>>SLEEP!!